To celebrate World Oceans Day, Mary Kay announced that it has committed to two crucial causes in protecting our world’s waterways: the CEO Water Mandate and the United Nations Global Compact’s Sustainable Ocean Principles.
The CEO Water Mandate is a special initiative of the UN Secretary-General and the UN Global Compact, implemented in partnership with the Pacific Institute. The Mandate mobilizes a critical mass of business leaders to address global water challenges through corporate water stewardship, in partnership with the United Nations, governments, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders. Endorsing companies commit to action across six key elements and report annually on progress.
The United Nations Global Compact’s Sustainable Oceans Principles, produced in consultation with over 300 stakeholders, provide a framework for responsible business practices across sectors and geographies.
With this announcement, Mary Kay joins business leaders from around the world in setting clear and shared expectations industry-wide for a healthy and productive ocean.
Deborah Gibbins, CEO of Mary Kay said, “The health of our oceans determines the health of our planet. Water is the most valuable resource on earth, so it’s essential we actively support conservation efforts.”
Mary Kay is set to announce its global sustainability strategy later this year, and will work with the CEO Water Mandate and the United Nations Global Compact’s Sustainable Ocean Principles to further its commitment to water stewardship.
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