Primerica was ranked #1 most trusted life insurance company and third most trusted financial company overall on Investor’s Business Daily’s annual list of “25 Most Trusted Financial Companies”.
CEO Glenn Williams said, “Being ranked the #1 Most Trusted Life Insurance Company is a reflection of the relationships our representatives have built with their clients who entrust us every day with their financial well-being. We are grateful to our clients who have placed such high trust in us and thankful to our more than 130,000 representatives who have earned that trust. We take pride in being a company that follows through with our promises, and we will remain committed to our mission of creating financially independent families.”
Investor’s Business Daily partnered with TechnoMetrica Market Intelligence to conduct the survey. The survey’s aim was to measure consumer’s trust in financial companies. This year’s list is based on input from more than 6,500 respondents who rated companies of which they are clients. The survey included companies in eight categories: Auto insurance, credit card companies, ETF/mutual fund companies, home insurance, life insurance, online brokers, and wealth management.
Rankings were based on seven trust attributes that consumers indicated were most important to them: Quality of products and services; ethical business practices and values; commitment to protecting the privacy and security of personal data; company’s service/treatment of others; fair prices/fees for products and services; sensitivity to customer needs in the current economic and financial climate; and innovation of processes and offerings.