Companies are being forced to differentiate themselves in the hyper-competitive world of e-commerce. Post-pandemic environment has required businesses to provide dynamic, compelling, yet remote buying experiences. At the same time, a new, educated consumer now expects a highly personalized shopping experience. Live Shopping has emerged as the hottest trend in digital and social commerce, with over $600B in worldwide sales expected in 2023, according to McKinsey & Co.

JoTLive aims at empowering direct selling companies to cost-effectively deliver live streaming commerce to their independent sales consultants and end customers. Live commerce is an online, real-time video experience which allows consumers to watch and interact with entrepreneurs and sellers, creating an exciting and personalized engagement with quick, simple ordering. JoTLive also allows the seller to archive recorded shows to be available, on-demand, by future customers who can then purchase products when viewing the event at a later time. JoTLive sales events can be conducted by the company, or easily presented by its representatives, social media influencers, or affiliates sharing product or service information. JoTLive can support hundreds of show attendees or allow a consultant to conveniently have one-to-one video calls with friends.
Robert Cavitt, Jenkon CEO, said, “Many of the largest online marketplaces, such as Amazon, Facebook, and Shopify, now offer live streaming commerce platforms as a fee-based service. However, JoTLive allows companies to provide a live shopping experience completely branded to their unique business, and not the 3rd-party online marketplace. Additionally, direct selling companies retain all of the revenue generated from each of their live events.”
JoTLive is the latest addition to a modular, cloud-based application suite called JoT™, the Jenkon of Things. Companies can license a specific software solution, such as JoTLive, or choose to implement multiple products from Jenkon’s innovative suite.
The release of JoTLive™ continues Jenkon’s unprecedented 5th decade of innovation leadership in enterprise technologies for global direct selling.