With its reader base of over 26,000 people now, The World of Direct Selling has become one of the most reputable publications in the industry.
This week, I would like to share with you our readers’ responses to the readership survey we had two weeks ago. Before doing that, I would like to extend my gratitude to all who took the time to share their opinions.
Here are the questions and responses:
Q1. Which country do you live in?
The respondents were spread out across a wide geography. They were from 42 different countries.
The top five countries were US 43%, Canada 6%, Australia 4%, Brazil 4%, and UK 4%. 39% of responses came from the rest of the world.
Q2. Which of the below best describes you?
82% corporate staff, 10% direct sellers, and 8% other (academicians, journalists, students etc.)
Among the corporate staff (out of the 82%), 29% identify themselves as Top-Level Managers, 27% as C-Level, 23% as Mid-Level, and 10% as Lower-Level Managers. Employees make up another 11%.
Q3. How often do you read the newsletter?
67% say they read it every week, 20% once or twice every month, and 13% once in a while.
Q4. Which day of the week do you prefer the newsletter to reach your email box?
The largest group consisted of those who were happy with the current mailing day. 51% said they would prefer Monday, 15% Friday, 13% Tuesday, and 13% Wednesday.
Q5. How interesting do you find the subjects covered in the articles and the interview guests picked?
48% find them more than average, 29% very interesting, 22% average, and 1% less than average.
Q6. Which aspect(s) of the WDS newsletter are you the most happy with?
55% of the respondents answered to this open-ended question. Responses (most repeated ones): Global updates / news and trends from the industry / legal issues / variety of topics covered / financial insights and updates / comparisons among companies / general objectiveness of the newsletter
Q7. Which aspect(s) of the WDS newsletter are you the least happy with? (Open-ended question)
38% shared their opinions on this one.
Responses (most repeated): None / not enough mentioning of scams / bias towards certain companies / graphic layout
Q8. What else would you like to see on the WDS newsletter? (Open-ended question)
38% of the respondents answered and the most repeated ones were: Nothing / more comparative market data and stats / major trends in direct selling / more information on smaller companies / individual success stories / regulatory news / stock information
Q9. Do you like the layout of the WDS newsletter?
Responses: “I like it” 54%, “I neither like, nor dislike it” 29%”, and “I like it very much” 14%. 3% said they either “dislike” or “dislike it very much”.
Q10. What is the likelihood of you recommending the WDS newsletter to another person?
Responses: “Absolutely Recommend” 57%, “Maybe Recommend” 43%, “Would Not Recommend” less than 1%
Once again, thank you very much to all who shared their views.
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